Our Service
new services
“The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you will not stay where you are.” – JP Morgan
One of the major characteristics of human being is movement. Movement from one region to another is inevitable. Migration started when the world began, and it will continue until the world ceases to exist. We divide migration into two main sub-heading Immigration and Emigration.
Majority of African and Caribbean island people residing in African and Caribbean countries want to come to Canada. ACADEC will not discourage them from doing so. We will also assist them in making their vision a reality. Traveling has stands to be one of the major ways to learn. Someone even say, traveling is part of education. It is our belief that coming to this part of the world will be an eye opener to them and we are here to lend a helping hand to many that desire such. Still talking about immigration to Canada, all Africa and Caribbean citizens in Canada are a living proof. We stayed here long enough to see a remarkable impact that coming to this part of the world have made in our various lives. So if anyone is willing to immigrate to Canada we have certified and experienced immigration counsels that could help then. This ranges from Students’ admission into Colleges and Universities, writing invitation letters, family sponsorship to immigrating under Economic and Business class.
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opportunities with us
We depend on students, Canadians and Africans that share our vision. We provide opportunities for internships, Co-op programs and also avail volunteers with the opportunity to get credit for community development programs.
Institutional Collaboration
ACADEC forms partnership with institutions, organizations and associations that share the same vision and value with us.
Join our Board
ACADEC Volunteer Board of Directors oversee the organization's activities; and ensure staffs and volunteers stay focused on realizing our visions, both here in Canada and in Africa.
Become our Consultant
We are presently compiling a list of legal practitioners and development experts of African descents, irrespective of their location around the world that will work for us on pro bono basis in Canada.